
  • 200の音楽チャンネル
  • 広告付き
プレミアム 月額 年額
  • 700以上の高音質チャンネル
  • ガイド付きバイノーラル瞑想
  • あらゆるジャンルの選び抜かれた音楽
  • 自然音&ホワイトノイズ
  • スパとウェルネスチャンネル
  • 睡眠のための音楽
  • 広告なし
  • 就寝前のストーリー



  $0.00 USD / 月

毎月 Premium

$11.99$9.99 USD / 月

一年 Premium

$119.99$59.99 USD / 年間
equals $4.99 per month


Dear Calm Radio Team, I would like to thank you for your great station, we enjoy almost every day the beautiful music.

Martin Spelthahn, Germany

Hi there – Just wanted to send a very sincere ‘thank you’ for the new Renaissance channel! I was so excited when I logged on one day and saw it had appeared. Your service is wonderful – I use it every day. Thanks for being out there!

Heather, A happy customer in Cleveland, Ohio

This is the best "music to work by" that I have found! I'm an at-home "virtual lawyer".

D. Scardilli, Absecon NJ

Hi Jeff, Just to let you know that calm radio helped both my husband and myself during his fight with cancer. We played such beautiful music in our home right through and at night we would have the waves crashing one going all night. I play the ZEN one everyday and its so wonderful & calming. It is a great service you are giving.

Rebecca Y.

Calm Radio helps drown out the trains that go by with loads of coal bound for and from China and Russia. We're in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and it's a place that cries out for calm.

K Van Der Stoep

This collection of music and your service is one of the best 'things' that ever happened in my life. 40 years of practicing medicine has left its imprint on my psyche...Thank you. M Daly

M Daly

You amaze me! You keep finding ways to improve. I love the new channel menu as well as the many new channels. Eric Harry & Calm Radio you just keep getting better! I think this is the first time I've ever written two letters of appreciation to a company. I can't help it. You keep getting better. You are the most welcome part of my work day. Thanks! Maggie A.


Just letting you know we're getting Calm Radio crystal clear down here in the beautiful Golden Bay area of the South Island of New Zealand. I love the music stream and have just signed up for a 12 month subscription. Ken

Ken, from New Zealand

Spa/ambient channel is the best! Has helped me a great deal with my anxiety.

Gena, from Lodi CA

Non conosco un servizio di musica migliore!!!

Albano M. Collegno, Italia

I have to say that I am still amazed at your near instantaneous response! I have never had ANYONE answer a support request in such a timely - but more importantly, personal - and HELPFUL - manner! Nancy


You're my parrot's favorite station when I'm away at work!

Carrie..Portland OR


もちろん、いつでもキャンセルして頂けます。キャンセル理由を聞かれることはありません。 (キャンセル理由を知ることは、今後の改善に役立つとは思いますが…。)。キャンセルするには、マイアカウントメニューにアクセスしてキャンセルしてください。
Calm Radioのサポートチームは最高のサービスを提供します。速く、親切、フレンドリーで、非常に親身的です。
様々な方法があります。コンピューターのブラウザー、Apple,・Android ・Windows モバイルアプリ, Apple ・ Windows デスクトップアプリ、 Apple TV、 Sonos、Roku、 Kindle、Bluesound、 Grace Digital ラジオ、 Samsung Smart TV、 LG Smart TV、Android TV、Fire TV、インターネットラジオ等です。


インターネットがない環境でも、お好きな場所でオーディオをお楽しみください。Calm Radioは、ユニークなオーディオ体験を提供しています。-癒しの音楽、ネイチャーサウンド、リラックスできる環境-お仕事も、集中も、リラックスも、寝ることもすべてできます。

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Alexa
  • Sonos
  • Apple TV 4
  • Roku