We are happy to report that the Philips Streamium is compatible with all of our Calm Radio channels. Philips internet radios use the philips.com/welcome web management portal to manually add custom radio station URLs. Once you update your Philips.com account with Calm Radio's URLs, they will then appear in your Streamium’s Internet Radio menu.
When you manually add an Internet radio station you can now listen on your device.
Want to listen without commercials and in HD audio quality?
Want to listen free on the Calm Radio Sonos music service?
Calm Radio is available free on the Sonos platform. Here is how to add us to your Sonos:
iOS or Android
Mac or PC
Calm Radio channels that have been added to the Sonos Favorites or My Sonos menu from third-party music providers are "free" channels and will have commercials.
If you are a Calm Radio member, please use the Calm Radio music service to avoid hearing commercials. Or, if you'd like to add Calm Radio channels to your Sonos Favorites or My Sonos menu, be sure you are signed into the Calm Radio music service with your member login then add your favorite channels directly from the Calm Radio music service.
Enjoy your audio journey anywhere, even without internet. Calm Radio offers unique audio experiences – curated music, Sounds of Nature, relaxing ambience – so you can work, can focus, can relax, can sleep.